Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am here to present a speech on how the cruelty of whaling in Japan has affected the population of whales.
As you know,whales are already diminishing on the double here due to other countries and plus Japan's whaling tradition,are decreasing even more.The population of blue whales up to date is 5000-12000,even though they were abundant during the beginning of the twentieth century.They were hunted to almost extinction by whalers.Do you feel this is wrong,yes?The fishing industry of whales in Japan are this cruel.
The Japanese fishing industry has also killed of at least 50% of the blue-fin tuna's population.The blue-fin tuna is a much sought-after delicacy that has a melt-in-the-mouth texture.Even though some efforts have been made to stabilize the population to breed bule-fin tuna from fry,these efforts are futile and in vain.The blue-fin tuna's population is still declining rapidly.There has been no effort to stem the killing of the fish as the fishing industry are that cruel.

I henceforth conclude my speech and hope that you will listen to my words.Thank you.

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