Sunday, March 1, 2009

In Singapore,there have been many efforts to preserve the environment.For example,there was a new campaign launched last year:Go Green.Its aims were to save the plants,which in turn means save the environment.Many people are now using recycled paper to print out their miscellaneous materials.There is also a brand of A4 size paper whose cardboard cover is totally made of recycled paper.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

I am the Indian politician Dr C.Niall DeMencha.I am here to present a speech against the sale of organs illegally.As you know,everybody starts with two kidneys.However,over the years,there are more and more cases of doctors who remove people's organs without their consent.I believe that the government can play a crucial role in ensuring that such criminals be punished,which serves as a severe deterrence.For example,the recent case of Dr Ahmad Kumar.He stole over 250 kidneys from people without their consent.Now,he has been arrested by the government for doing that.I think that this is a deserved punishment for him as he stole kidneys because greed.Most people living in India also do not have two kidneys because of this. I truly hope that the government can do something about it to prevent this sort of thing to happen again.Thank you.
I hence forth conclude my speech.
I think that age and experience are two very important variables to the workforce in any country.As you all know,young people are more physically abled to carry out work than old people.However,old people have a huge advantage over them,which is:Experience.Having experience is very important as it is essential to any company.Experienced people can teach new workers how to handle the ropes and also how to deal with things in certain situations.For example,an experienced guy may know how to fly an aircraft acrobatically while an inexperienced one may not.Another example is our Minister Mentor,Lee Kuan Yew.Although he is 86 years old,he is still the Minister Mentor as he can share his wealth of experience with the Prime Minister.This why I think that age and experience are important to the workforce in any coountry.