Monday, February 23, 2009

Blog prompt Nothing But the Truth

Miss Narwin sighed as she prepared to write the letter.Her hands were heavy as she lifted her pen."Ringg!!!!!!!!!!"The phone suddenly rang.She was shocked momentarily before answering the phone."Hello?"
"Hello Miss Narwin,I am Phillip Malloy.I would like to apologise for the matters that have surfaced after I was suspended.I know that I shouldn't have sung during the tape of the national anthem.I hope you will forgive me and allow me to do more work so as to increase my scores and let me join the track team."
"Phillip.......I don't know what to say.Is this whole thing started because you couldn't join the track team?"
"Well......sort of.So,can you let me do some extra work?"
"Thanks!I won't forget that.Now I can join the track team.Thanks again!"
The phone disconnected.Miss Narwin put down her pen with a sigh of relief.This whole issue had finally been settled by a simple phone call.She was definitely not going to resign after that.
A few days later,Phillip Malloy handed in his work,which earned him an increase from D to C.He rushed to Coach Jamison."Hi,coach.Did you hear about the good news?"
"Of course,lad.Now,come on and do a sprint!"Coach Jamison said with a smile on his face.Phillip Malloy jumped and ran with joy.He could finally join the track team!
The next day,Phillip Malloy called the reporter."Hi,this is Phillip Malloy.I would like you to publish an article of me apologising to Miss Narwin."The article was published and the national issue was finally put to rest.Phillip could finally go to school with a smile on his face.